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About the Young STEM Leader Programme

The Young STEM Leader Programme (YSLP) is an exciting new award which aims to spark greater interest and participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) among young people in Scotland.


Young people have the chance to inspire, lead and mentor their peers through the creation and delivery of STEM activities and events within their schools, communities or youth groups


The key aim of the YSLP is to facilitate the development of peer STEM role models to inspire more young people to develop an interest in STEM.


As well as developing important personal skills that are increasingly in demand from employers, working through the programme will motivate the Young STEM Leaders (YSLs) to progress their STEM studies and potentially embark on a related career in STEM.

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A Young STEM Leader from All Saints Secondary School in Glasgow delivering an activity with a cluster primary school.

The Scottish government-funded Programme is being led by SSERC and a range of partners, including the four Scottish Science Centres, three Scottish STEM Ambassador Hubs, Science Festivals, YouthLink Scotland, Young Scot, Children in Scotland, Education Scotland and the Scottish Mentoring Network.


The programme is available at CfE Second, Third and Fourth Levels (YSL2, YSL3 and YSL4 underpinned by a framework that identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of a Young STEM Leader at each curricular level.


Formal awards at YSL4, YSL5 and YSL6 – at SCQF Levels 4, 5 and 6 – are underpinned by learning outcomes and performance criteria for each level, all of which are credit rated and approved by SQA.

Our partners

Become a Delivering Centre

Sign up for a Tutor Assessor training course and start delivering the Young STEM Leader award in your school, youth group or community.

with Govan High School

This (Young STEM Leader) website and its contents are copyright of SSERC on behalf of the Scottish Government.
© SSERC 2024. All rights reserved.

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