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YSLP Formal

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Young STEM Leader Awards at SCQF Levels 4, 5 and 6 (YSL4, YSL5 and YSL6) are formal qualifications, credit rated by SQA, that enable young people to support, engage and inspire others in STEM in their schools, communities or youth groups. On completion of these awards, YSLs will be able to plan, lead and evaluate STEM activities, events and interactions.


Each level within the formal version of the programme carries credit points for the young people and the award is available on Insight for centres to gain the associated tariff points.

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YSLs can record evidence in their Log or using other methods

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YSL4 focusses on identifying the impact of STEM on people, society and the environment locally, nationally and internationally. YSLs will deliver activities, events or interactions which share this impact with others. In addition, YSLs are encouraged to explore and improve their own leadership and teamworking skills and qualities within their learning community.

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YSL5 focusses on identifying current and future opportunities in STEM that are available to young people locally, nationally and internationally. YSLs will deliver activities, events or interactions which share these current and future opportunities with others. In addition, YSLs are encouraged to explore their own potential in STEM and how they may access the opportunities that STEM offers.

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YSL6 focusses on identifying the skills, qualities and behaviours of good leaders and positive role models. At this level, YSLs are encouraged to explore the challenges and issues that exist in STEM such as stereotypes, misconceptions and outdated views and how they can positively challenge these through the delivery of activities, events or interactions. In addition, YSLs will learn the importance of health and safety and safeguarding when leading learning experiences for others.

Become a Delivering Centre

Sign up for a Tutor Assessor training course and start delivering the Young STEM Leader award in your school, youth group or community.

with Govan High School

This (Young STEM Leader) website and its contents are copyright of SSERC on behalf of the Scottish Government.
© SSERC 2024. All rights reserved.

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