Institute of Physics Grants - apply now!
Institute of Physics Grants for Young STEM Leader activities
Institute of Physics (IOP) is the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland. Members come from a range of fields, including education, industry and research. IOP Scotland staff and committee members run a large number of events and activities for the general public, including our annual Big Bounce festival, and for teachers via a comprehensive programme of professional learning. In this instance, the IOP Scotland committee is partnering with the Young STEM Leader programme to offer grants to groups for physics-related activities so that we can reach more young people in order to encourage an interest in physics. This scheme links to wider work being undertaken by the IOP as part of the Limit Less campaign to encourage young people to study physics.
About the grant
The Institute of Physics YSLP Grant is an exciting opportunity for YSLs who are planning to
complete an activity, event or interaction with physics as a theme.
We are awarding £100 to be spent on resources or equipment to support the delivery of your activities.
Who is eligible?
YSLs working towards any level of the award can apply. Multiple grant applications per centre will be considered on a case by case basis. Each grant application should be for different purposes for different groups.
Activities should take place within academic year 2024/2025.
How do I apply?
YSLs should complete and return this online form - there is no deadline, we review applications on a regular basis.
We'd like to see applications from as many centres as possible - good luck!