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Privacy and GDPR Compliance Policy



In order for centres to participate in the Young STEM Leader Programme (YSLP), Tutor Assessors (TAs) and Young STEM Leaders (YSLs) will have to provide personal data to the YSLP Project Team at SSERC.  This policy explains the data collection, use and retention process.





All YSLP Project Team staff are responsible for ensuring the safe keeping of personal data.  It is the responsibility of the SSERC the Director of Finance, who is the SSERC Data Protection Officer, to ensure that all relevant staff are aware of, and follow, this privacy policy.



For Tutor Assessors (TA)


We will collect and securely store on the YSLP portal and SSERC databases only the following data  in order to deliver the programme:


  • your name

  • your email address

  • the centre where you work

  • your acknowledgement that you are registered with Disclosure Scotland and a member of the PVG scheme


Your email address and delivery centre will be visible to all TA’s and SSERC registered on the YSLP portal.

In addition, it is standard practice of SSERC that a TA’s email is added to a Microsoft Team. Your email will therefore be visible to fellow trained TAs. You can opt out of this before you are added to the Microsoft Team or at any point by emailing


Any data we store can be updated or immediately, permanently deleted on your request  The above data is the minimum which we require and therefore is the only data we will collect and store.



For Young STEM Leaders


We will collect and securely store on the YSLP portal and SSERC databases only the following data:


  • your name (or you can choose an abbreviated name eg J Smith)

  • date of birth (DOB)

  • contact email address (for online sign up only)

  • Sex (Male/Female/Not known)

  • parent email address* (if you are under 13)

  • the YSLP delivering centre you attend

  • your Scottish Candidate Number (SCN) or SEED code only if you are completing a formal level of YSLP as this information is required for accreditation. 



Final Award Certificates will contain the name (or abbreviated name) and date of birth as reference on the Young STEM Leader Certificate.


Any data we store can be updated or immediately, permanently deleted on your request by emailing  The above data is the minimum which we require and therefore is the only data we will collect and store.


We will also keep a record of all YSLP awardee names and the levels they have gained for the lifetime of the YSLP.  This will allow future certification enquiries and reissuing of certificates to YSLs should they request this. 


* Where a parent/carer email address is not provided, it is the responsibility of the Tutor Assessor to send our prewritten letter to the parent/carer which can be found in the TA resource folder.



External Verification


During the External Verification process, SSERC staff may ask to review assessment and verification documentation, including YSLs’ written/media evidence. This data will only be used for the purposes of External Verification.



Sharing of Data with Third Parties


We will share data with the third parties and only for the reasons outlined below:


Collection of Insight tariff points – formal levels only

For secondary school based YSLs that have completed a formal award (YSL4, YSL5 or YSL6) the following data will be provided to the Scottish Government Insight Team:


  • SCN

  • DOB

  • SEED code



Online platform


Pogo Studio are the web builders responsible for creating the YSLP online platform.  For maintenance reasons they may access the secure admin section of the website where personal data is stored.  Pogo have extensive experience of protecting online data and the YSLP online platform is built using UK-based servers for data storage.  The website is fully secure using Microsoft Azure  More specific detail on the security of our online platform can be provided by Pogo.


Third parties will be given an updated version of this policy annually and must email YSLP Project Manager to confirm they have read and will follow the policy.





Our contracted development partner, JH Digital Design (JHDD), manages and administers our website and may access the TA details that have been entered to sign up for training sessions for reporting to SSERC.



Other Relevant Organisations


In order to report on the geographical uptake of the Young STEM Leader programme, we may publish participating Delivery Centre names and their local authority regions only. This information may also be shared directly with Local Authorities, Scottish Government departments or executive agencies (such as Education Scotland), to help better understand the participation and reach of the Young STEM Leader across Scotland.



Managing and deleting your information


We endeavour to ensure that all information which we retain is up to date but for us to do that please inform us of any relevant changes - for example, a change of name or centre.  We may also update information if we identify that it is incorrect, for example, a centre is renamed.


If you wish to have any personal data that we hold about you deleted, you can request this by emailing us at



Accessing your personal information  


Individuals can ask for the personal information we have stored by emailing us at  If we do hold information about you, we will give you a copy of this data, as well as telling you why we are holding it and who it may be disclosed to within 14 days. 



Use of cookies


We use cookies on our website to improve the overall experience and allow our site to function correctly.  You may block or delete all cookies used by our site however some website areas may then not function correctly.  Cookies are not used for any kind of personal profiling.


The main uses of cookies on our site are as follows:


  • Storing information about a user’s session - such as whether they are logged in.

  • Allowing the online platform to display the correct YSLP level for users on subsequent log in.


If you have questions or concerns regarding your personally identifiable information, please contact us at

with Govan High School

This (Young STEM Leader) website and its contents are copyright of SSERC on behalf of the Scottish Government.
© SSERC 2024. All rights reserved.

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